Not necessarily. It’s also a good indicator of productivity and supply. Good product growth under good economic policies gives this country a low inflation or a small deflation rate. Think of flat screen TV’s. This is slightly dated but it’s relevant. Can’t remember the exact source. It wasn’t a “right wing media outlet “. just a screenshot from about a year ago.
In 2019 I weighed in at 180. Between 2020 and 2023 I gained forty pounds. But in 2024 I only gained twenty pounds…… So using liberal math, I have lost twenty pounds, right?
That would depend on what the definition of a women is. I guess. you might need to drag a hundred dollar bill though a trailer park. That was the standard for the left when “ # all women are liars and skanks”. Yes, that was yesteryear but science today only applies if is provided by The Fellowship, promoted by their media, and posted by SFN’s on the internet. Before all you lefties get your undergarments in a wad, soil yourself, start posting from your parents basement, or call Soros. SFN stands for Something For Nothings, just and acronym. If you’re offended…. Look in the mirror.
Yeah . . . It seems everyone wants to get more than the next person. Pigs stealing from pigs . . . It’s a race to the bottom.
Found it, and it's actually an article about how those averages are misleading I fully agree that on average it was cheaper under Bush than it is now, I do remember days where it was over $5/gallon though. I should let go of the bias, but perhaps seeing that as a child imprinted "$5/gallon is high, anything less is not the worst" on me.
Hey genius, do you actually shop for food or are you on the government breast? Food prices have been increasing and screw the lying charts and graphs put out by the folks causing it.
Exposed: These guys are actors and Queers. This was exposed this morning with some of them named. The Dems know how stupid their base is.
Plumpy's economy center, this mall: With shop fronts like : TheBestHoneyOnEarth Presidential material right down to the bone spurs ....