Most of the world"s miserable history of war,hate brutality and genocide has it"s roots in religious fanatacism and attempts to make one religion more important than another.Haven"t we learned from history that politics and religion don"t mix;so they never should be linked in any way.As for G.W.he used the religious right to futher his poltical fortunes.The whole Bush family has had their nose up the Saudi:s butt so long they couldn"t find their own asses with both hands.Bush worships oil,money and POWER.
I've heard this repeated frequently, but I think it would be difficult to prove except in a few isolated cases. The Crusades are an obvious example, but most of the participants did so as much to consolidate their own political power as to serve their religion. The Islamic Fundamentalist seem to be the real deal, but there is a lot of oil money involved too. Religion has been used to incite the population to participate in a war desired by the leadership, but it is generally, land, gold, power, tribute, adventure, ego, revenge, and all of the other normal human faults and weaknesses that are the actual cause of war. The wars would have taken place with or without religion. Atheists love to make religion a scapegoat when they can while overlooking the actions of occultists like Hitler and atheists like Stalin and Mao.
CW you are correct. The big 3 are not religious guys. Neither Attaliah the Hun, or Al the great, or Napolean
Is this how you would explain the Armenian Massacres which were ordered by the Sultan Abdul Hamid II at the turn of the century. The Turkish government with their cleansing of Christians. or may it was the Atheist who aimed the cannon and caused the deaths on Dec. 28th. 1890 at the 'Wounded Knee Massacre' of 350 men, women and children for doing nothing more than dancing the 'Ghost dance'. Thanks for explaing this situation for clearly and in such a simple mannor.:thumb:
Interesting reference there. Anyway the non religious guys have you beat on numbers (not to excuse the ones that you brought up).
Like I said before in other posts in different ways. God is great. Religion is questionable. However, if you remove the Jewish and Christian spirit and religion out of this nation then something else will replace that void be it Islam or be it sin. Like the military, like the police, like it or not religion is needed. So why not support the religions that promote the best in men and not those who advocate the suppression and killing of others.
Old Dan, I'm surprised that you believe the Armenian and Wounded Knee massacres were conducted for purely religious reasons and that political and cultural issues had nothing to do with it. Religion is often the scapegoat and justification for one group to do to another exactly what they would have done with or without the religious differences. Maybe someday we will have a single world-religion, but it is highly unlikely that this will end the atrocities forever and usher in an age of perfect peace.
Dont remember saying it was for purely religious reasons, but only that it sure entered into the equation, big time!
Funny how many people in this country love to blast Christians and Jews. They get so bent out of shape if a church-goer in this country votes for a conservative but BLINDLY can't see Islam for what it is and the harm islam is doing to this country and the rest of the world. Instead of defeating islam, they are worried about conservatice Christian "Church-goers" here instead of the muslim population that uses our freedoms to kill us. Let's look at some of the facts where islam is causing harm to people that don't buy into their freakin' mohammad's writings detailed in the Koran: Afghanistan: Extreme, radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups & non-Muslims Osama bin Laden heads the islamic terrorist group called Al Quada (The Source) whose headquarters were in Afghanistan. They were protected by, and integrated with, the Taliban dictatorship in the country. Al Quada is generally regarded as having committed many terrorist attacks on U.S. ships, embassies, and buildings. The Northern Alliance of rebel Afghans, Britain and the U.S. attacked the Taliban and Al Quada, establishing a new regime in the country. Bosnia Serbian Orthodox Christians/Roman Catholic and Muslims were killing each other. Fragile peace is holding, due only to the presence of peacekeepers. Côte d'Ivoire: Muslims, Indigenous, and Christians are fighting. Following the elections in late 2000, government security forces "began targeting civilians solely and explicitly on the basis of their religion, ethnic group, or national origin. The overwhelming majority of victims come from the largely Muslim north of the country, or are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants..." A military uprising continued the slaughter in 2002. Cyprus Christians & Muslims. The island is partitioned, creating enclaves for ethnic Greeks (Christians) and Turks (Muslims). A UN peace keeping force is maintaining stability. East Timor Christians & Muslims are fighting. A Roman Catholic country. About 20% of the population died by murder, starvation or disease after they were forcibly annexed by Indonesia (mainly Muslim). After voting for independence, many Christians were exterminated or exiled by the Indonesian army and army-funded militias in a carefully planned program of genocide and religious cleansing. The situation is now stable. India Animists, Hindus, Muslims & Sikhs are fighting. Various conflicts that heat up periodically. In late 2002-FEB, a Muslim-Hindu conflict broke out, killing an average of 100 people a day over the first five days. Indonesia, province of Ambon Christians & Muslims are at war. After centuries of relative peace, conflicts between Christians and Muslims started during 1999-JUL in this province of Indonesia. Indonesia, province of Halmahera Christians & Muslims 30 people killed. 2,000 Christians driven out; homes and churches destroyed. Kashmir Hindus & Muslims are fighting. A chronically unstable region of the world, claimed by both Pakistan and India. The availability of nuclear weapons and the eagerness to use them are destabilizing the region further. More details Thirty to sixty thousand people have died since 1989. Kosovo Serbian Orthodox Christians & Muslims are fighting. Peace enforced by NATO peacekeepers. There is convincing evidence of past mass murder by Yugoslavian government (mainly Serbian Orthodox Christians) against ethnic Albanians (mostly Muslim). Christians had it and fought back...guilty as charged. Kurdistan Christians and Muslims are at war. Assaults on Christians (Protestant, Chaldean Catholic, & Assyrian Orthodox). Bombing campaign underway. Macedonia Macedonian Orthodox Christians & Muslims were fighting. Muslims (often referred to as ethnic Albanians) engaged in a civil war with the rest of the country who are primarily Macedonian Orthodox Christians. A peace treaty has been signed. Disarmament by NATO is complete. Middle East Jews, Muslims, & Christians are fighting. The peace process between Israel and Palestine suffered a complete breakdown. This has resulted in the deaths of thousands, in the ratio of three dead for each Jew. Major strife broke out in 2000-SEP and is continuing. Hamas (islamic terrorist organization) takes control of Palastine. Nigeria Christians, Animists, & Muslims Yourubas and Christians in the south of the country are battling Muslims in the north. Country is struggling towards democracy after decades of Muslim military dictatorships. Northern Ireland Protestants, Catholics After 3,600 killings and assassinations over 30 years, some progress has been made in the form of a ceasefire and an independent status for the country. Finally...a religious war without islam involed. There's a shock Pakistan Suni & Shi'ite Muslims are fighting. Low level mutual attacks. Philippines Christians & Muslims are fighting. Low level, centuries old conflict between the mainly Christian central government and Muslims in the south of the country. Russia Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslims are fighting. The Russian army attacked the breakaway region. Many atrocities have been alleged on both sides. According to the Voice of the Martyrs: "In January 2002 Chechen rebels included all Christians on their list of official enemies, vowing to 'blow up every church and mission-related facility in Russia'." South Africa Animists & "Witches" Hundreds of persons, suspected and accused of witches practising black magic, are murdered each year. The second current war NOT involving islam...yet. Sri Lanka Buddhists & Hindus Tamils (a mainly Hindu 18% minority) are involved in a war for independence since 1983 with the rest of the country (70% Buddhist). An estimated 65,000 have been killed. The conflict took a sudden change for the better in 2002-SEP, when the Tamils dropped their demand for complete independence. The South Asian Tsunami in 2004-DEC induced some cooperation. The third conflict NOT involving islam...yet. Sudan Animists, Christians & Muslims are fighting. Complex ethnic, racial, religious conflict which victimizes both Animists and Christians in the South of the country. Slavery and near slavery practiced. Tibet Buddhists & Communists Country was annexed by Chinese Communists in late 1950's. Brutal suppression of Buddhism continues. #4 conflict without islam at the core. Uganda Animists, Christians, & Muslims are fighting and enslaving each other. So there you have it. 82.6% of the world's current wars/conflicts involve islam at the core. These islamic people (per the Koran) have to deal with non-muslims in one of three ways: Convert us, Enslave us, or KILL us... ...And liberals are worrying about if this country is moving more toward the Judeo-Christian foundation this very country was founded on... So typical
Those dreaded Liberals. They make me so mad! Why don't more people just listen to Midas? Everything would become so clear and simple if they would just follow his teachings. Praise be to Midas. His truth is the only law that will free us from the dreaded Liberal non-believing hoards. Praise be to Midas. We should all go forth and smite the evil Liberals in their foul beds. Praise be to Midas. The liberals are all going to hell anyway, let's honor the Lord and send them there ourselves. Praise be to Midas. A simple payer: " Oh Lord, give me the wisdom to sacrifice those that would not see the wisdom of the word of Midas. Give me strength to do the work of the almighty Midas our prophet and savior. Let me spread the blessed word so that the vile Liberals will know his wrath. Keep me safe from the words of others, be they facts or well known truths. Deliver me from the temptation of compassion and understanding that I might live in eternal hatred. But most of all, give me the power of infinite close mindedness so that I have insight unto the wisdom of the most blessed Midas. AMEN" Some folks are never going to let anything change their view of the world. Good for them! It gives the rest of us something to make fun of in the meantime. Praise be to Midas. Signed, A dreaded, evil, non-believing, foul, depraved, Liberal demon. P.S. I know! This is some "typical" Liberal tactic or another.
Guess when you lay out historical record and current events, the truth hurts doesn't it? The world is at war with muslim radicals. I demonstrated the fact of where and who are involved with these current conflicts. It must pain you sooooo much when you can't argue or refute my statements with any logic or rational. So what happens? You resort to the same hysterical screaming as most liberals do when they lose the debate. Just one thing, before your raise your voice and blow a gasket, reinforce your argument...for once!
I might have expected something like this from my good friend Danr, but not from you. The answer to your P.S. is what you are attempting to do is rather foolish and childish. Let's keep it out of the gutter, please. I have more respect for you than that! Thought you would want to know.:secret:
What would be the point? Making fun of you is soooo much more satisfying. You are the only one here under the illusion that this is some kind of actual debate. I realized quite a number of posts ago that debating you is no more interesting than debating a turnip. At least the turnip has some ability to grow and adapt to the changing world. You label everyone and frame everything in a way that already fits your view of the world. You copy and paste supposed facts from any source you can find on the internet as if it were the truth and only believe those arguments that satisfy your narrow views. You repeat yourself ad nauseum and resort to the use the blatant generalizations and stereotypes with hate-filled themes. You attribute your characterizations of others opinions as if they had actually stated them. To top it all off, you claim to the "winner" of any debate whenever people get tired of your droning perspective and then wonder why people like me would rather make fun of you than have a serious debate. I love to hear opposing arguments to any of my opinions but not from those that are more agenda than genuine counter arguments. I don’t know what it takes to create someone like yourself and why you are on some personal mission to vilify those you have so much fear of, but I’m pretty sure that I don’t want to know either.
I was just playing the part of the dreaded Liberal for Midas' sake. If I can't have fun with him, what's left?
You started this thread to broadcast how much you fear church-going-conservative-republican-voters and I refuted it by stating you should fear muslim radicals that are responsible for over 80% of the current world conflicts/wars instead of church/temple-going-people of NON-mulsim faithes. There have been over 4,500 islamic/jihad attacks since 9/11 alone! How many non-muslim faith attacks and deaths have been committed in the name of a non-muslim's religion? Why doesn't that bother you? Why does it bother you more if Bush is wire tapping islamic radicals or if the G.O.P. has more church-going-consevatives that vote? Most people that attend some type of church or temple on a regular basis vote for conservative principles...The exception goes out to churches of color that follow the likes of Jesse Jackson and others that want nothing more than to keep these people believing that all of their problems are "whitey's fault". Please pass the plate for P.U.S.H. donations so we can cry out, "No justice, no peace!". Jesse needs a new wardrobe. Why does this 'crusade' as you call it bother you more than what islamic radicals are doing right here in this country (i.e., funneling money to terrorist organizations like Hamas)? Here we have a real enemy to the civilized world, but do you care? Or is it that you hate Bush/Conservatives so much that you are willing to look past what is happening in the world to civilized non-muslims. Is throwing everything away including the defense/security of this country worth it just to destroy Bush/conservatives??...just to regain political control and implement more income tax redistribution and socialist programs? As I told you before, I grew up in a Truman/Kennedy household and realized that the democratic party after McGovern sold their soul to the far-left hippie liberals that changed this party of Washington and Jackson to today's United States Socialist Party. These people never looked backed since...have you?
Keep laughing... The muslim world is fighting a world war/jihad with the west (infidels). Unfortunately, people like you would rather stick your head in middle eastern sand and "giggle" instead of facing up to this fact. Maybe when somebody close to you gets killed in the next jihad attack will you finally get your head out from your butt. Until then...keep up with your "I hate Bush" crap...It is what liberals do. Meanwhile, islamic terrorists are planning the next way to kill non-muslims. Why? Because they are following the Koran:
No, that's incorrect. Again attributing your perceptions of my intentions as truth. I don't fear church going conservative Republican voters. I'm sure they are fine people and great Americans. If I fear anything, it is the "religification" of our republic by those with a religious based agenda who would use this country to further their beliefs and superstitions at any cost. You know, Zealots. This isn't as far fetched as it sounds. I know that there are enemies out there that want to do harm to this country and yes, many of them are certainly Muslims, but I believe they pose less of a threat from the outside and can be dealt with. The scarier part is the people that would destroy us from within. What do these two groups of fanatics have in common? You guessed it; they are obsessed with their religious ideals to the point of extremism. Who do you think we should keep a closer eye on, the guys living in caves half way around the world or the folks next door? Also, I would say that I have less fear and therefore am less emotional and irrational. I'm more about awareness than fear. If you do your usual copy and paste search on religion and politician in this country, there is a lot to read. Of course you have to consider the sources and not just search for those things that fit your preconceptions. Although, it might be a bad idea to give you more to worry about than you already have, but if you think about it, there is actually very little you personally can do about some Muslim radical living in a cave in Tajeekistanmanianutjob. There is something you can do about the folks down the street that may want to use your schools and your local government for their own purposes.
I understand your concerns as I too, for instance, don't think prayer should be mandated in government schools. However, if government schools want to have a moment of silence for your own personal reflection, I see no probelem with that either. Frankly, anytime I was engaged in a "moment of silence", I was thinking about things like "what's for lunch?" :eat: You may think I am a bible thumper and I definitely am not! My ex-wife became "re-born" and went from this hot woman to a nun. She then explained to me how I wasn't "saved". When she wanted to be baptized (again), my comment to her was, "What? didn't take?". Obviously, that is how she became an ex-wife as I didn't buy into all her bible thumping stuff. With that said, I have no issues with any religion UNLESS it starts to invade my own personal beliefs and well being. If muslims want to follow allah or some camel jockey, I could care less. What I care about is when their religion starts turning on others solely because they don't buy into the islamic teachings of conversion, enslavement or killing of non-mulsims. You have to admit, islam started with a violent beginning and there are millions of these people that would love nothing more than to see the utter distruction of western civilization. Just look at the number of these islamic radical groups RIGHT HERE in this country: All in all, these are the people we should deal with first. These people are planning the next jihad attack and I believe they deserve a bit more attention than your "bible-thumper" that goes door to door asking if you are saved.
Typical liberal tactic is right(one of the very few times you were right); and I'm surprised you had the guts to reveal who you really are(on the second-to-last line).