According to the original federal charter, it should be more like 95% Military, and 5% for resolving disputes between the states. If it had remained so for all those years gone by, the lack of federal subsidy of so many extraneous concerns would have resulted in the containment of associated costs for all . . . of education, of housing, of medical care . . . Omigosh . . . even containing the costs to our military as a result. Whoodathunkit?
Sounds like Florida is in big trouble now too. Didn't take long for another "storm of the century" to appear. See that rapid intensification to a CAT 5? Even a small increase in ocean surface temperature makes that much easier to happen.
GeneWright, posted: "Regarding disaster relief, we have the means and the wealth to move mountains if we will. The month without power I've heard some are staring down is unacceptable. But! You can't keep voting to defund the fed and then expect them to move those mountains. Several here frequently make the case the fed should be for nothing but national defense and interstate disputes. Do you think North Carolina should take care of this themselves then? Also, this isn't going to stop, storms like this will happen alarmingly more often going forward. Hey Gene, Would you believe The dems took billions of $ from FEMA to take care of the invaders they invited in? Then when the gov. slowed down and interfered with relief the people took over.
We were in the path of Helene and she laid waste to many homes in my community. I was blessed to survive with a felled tree on my fence and another on my storage shed. The crew I hired had them gone the next day.... My next door neighbor however had Two massive old pines on her home. She hired a crew that came and cut them out and stacked all the massive logs in her front yard and they told her that FEMA would be by to pick them up... Now I hear tell that FEMA crews are few and far between in Western North Carolina where they are desperately needed. Somehow I doubt we will be seeing hide nor hair of them down here..... It is funny when I think back to the crippling ice storm we had down this way 25 years ago. You couldn't turn a corner without seeing FEMA trucks and offices scattered about the area.... Wonder why?
Easy . . . In those days they were answerable to someone who was accountable to The People. Nowadays they're answerable to someone who is accountable to The Agenda.
The briben-harris administration’s response to this disaster has been utterly pathetic. People are dying in North Carolina and, when asked about it, Kamunala talks about Lebanon. One word-salad-spewing brainless dolt replacing another old, useless brainless dolt does not inspire confidence in our future. Trump 2024. It’s our only hope.
I am not one that typically attacks a person on their brain pan or lack thereof..... But she really is an empty pantsuit. It astounds me how anyone could find her to be a leader of anything other than a kindergarten classroom.
Agreed, except for the fact that I would definitely not want her to even lead a kindergarten classroom.
I don't mind if she's the leader of a cliffbound line of lemmings . . . just so long as the line stops at the last flaming liberal.