Why is Ukraine military aid being held in Congress?

Discussion in 'World Events' started by John Kamps, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    This is no time for politics/ Ukraine needs long ranges missiles/ ammo/ drones to take war deep into Russian held Crimea. Number one destroy Kerch bridge/ all Russian naval assets in Black Sea/ Ammo dumps/ air strips/ headquarters. Russia right now is being bleed white/ loosing 800-1500 KIA each day/ materiel losses are even higher 9-1 in Ukraines favour/ now is no time to let the tyrant have a reprieve to recruit more cannon fodder/ buy more crap from China/ Iran/ N. Korea. We are in a proxy WW3 with Russia without Americans dying/ or threat of nukes/ so lets give the brave Ukrainians and President Zelensky what he needs to finish Russia. Meanwhile/ Ukrainian partisans in occupied territories are starting to kaboom enemy assets/ soldiers:) also in Russia!
  2. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    Because The Biden Administration refuses to close the border and while publicly claiming to stand behind Israel they are holding them back as best they can by telling them how to conduct war and blocking arms sales, while at the same time giving even more aid to Israel's enemies.
    John Kamps likes this.
  3. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    John Kamps likes this.
  4. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Sadly, it is how it works in DC. We truly have a border crisis at our southern border that has been entirely ignored by this administration. The House controls the nations purse strings and in order to get any attention on our own border crisis, the House has got to get POTUS attention by tying his hands with Ukraine monies..... It is a sad reality. One has nothing to do with the other and it is a mystery to most of us why this administration refuses to close our southern border, but our cities are absolutely smothering under the strain.
    John Kamps and CoinOKC like this.
  5. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    I think its finally coming to a vote. I know the border is a problem. But in reality/ Putin and his bellicose fantasies are a much bigger problem. If you let him win in Ukraine/ Moldova/ Baltics would be next. Which means "article five" and US/ NATO vs Russia. Of course any NATO nation Poland/ Germany/ US/ UK could pound the crap out of the Russian so called war machine. But its better to supply Ukraine with what they need to do it without NATO involvement. 500K dead Russians/ many more maimed/ eventually there will be open rebellions against the Putin cabale.
  6. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    We lived thru this Domino Theory of Response already.

    France-Indochina- Commies are winning...can't let that happen.

    12 years (No... U.S. military boots on the ground involvement was not 65-74, it was 63-75) and 4 Presidents later.... 58,220 dead, 1,244 MIA-of which 470 are now listed as non-recoverable-meaning proof of Death, 303,000 wounded Veterans.

    Ukraine? Hmmmmm.
    John Kamps and SmalltownMN like this.
  7. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Big difference/ it was a Civil War between corrupt South/ and Communist North.
    Now Viet-Nam is stable.
    Ukraine is sovereign nation. Stalin annexed it by force in 1922/ murdered 16M so called "Kulaks" 1928-34. Deported pro German Krim Tartars to gulags in 40s/ NKVD murder d millions more during War. Ukraine was Stalin's "Killing Fields"
    So when the "Evil Empire" fell in 1991/ Ukraine became independent again. Then they gave up their nukes/ assured protection from Russia by USA/ UK/ NATO. In 2014 Putin seizes Crimea/ not a peep from USA/Obama regime. Then they invaded Donbas/ shot down airliner/ Obama MIA.
    So its time for US to honor that agreement 1992/ and at least give them the tools to win. They can use the frozen Russian assets for a start. Seems they know how to fight compared to the bumbling Russian war machine. Don't give Putin anything to celebrate on May 9th. God sent him a flood of biblical proportions instead! Great speech by speaker Johnson when he compared Russia to the evil Regimes in N. Korea/ Iran/ China.
  8. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I have a slightly different thought, but it is not important.

    BTW, just a suggestion, concerning Indochina, read Fire In The Lake. A Civil War it was not.
    The U.S. caused the entire fiasco @ Potsdam in 45', with the Latitude 16 Degrees nonsense and placing the entire mess under Mountbatten who then "deferred" the dumazz Eisenhower move (as the Supreme Allied Commander) to the French, even though the U.S. OSS SUPPORTED THE VIETMINH.

    Thus, was borne 53' and the disgruntlement against an...at the least....stifling Catholic brutal socialization under French Rule.

    We can have a friendly debate exploring the similarities of the history of Ukraine and U.S. meddling, and glean the similarities.

    "Dems' da facts, Jack" (gotta love Winger), and I know some stuff.

    So, I don't want to play no more, so I am taking my football and going home.

    So there......

    Presently, Vietnam is not stable, in any sense of the word.
    John Kamps likes this.
  9. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    I think it is because some members think we should take care of our boarder problem first. Others don't like the fact that we are sending money to enemies of America and Isreal. Others don't like the way we are going further into ruin by debt. Etc.
    John Kamps likes this.
  10. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    I don't like the fact that we are being governed by a combination of greedy smart people and of stupid people, greedy, or not . . . oh, and people who drift back and forth over the senility line.
    John Kamps likes this.
  11. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Finally aid is heading to Ukraine. Russia/ Iran egged on Hamas to launch Oct. 7th attack. Putin planned that well. Also Putin has said he will take back Alaska/ either you destroy his military machine in Ukraine or fight them in Baltics. Russia must be destroyed. Best thing is complete disintegration of the "Evil Federation". That would leave Iran toothless/ also deter Chinese.

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