This Is Interesting......

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CoinOKC, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Comparing blue state Illinois to red state Oklahoma's minimum wage and unemployment statistics reveal some very interesting data.

    Illinois has one of the highest minimum wages in the country ($8.25 per hour). Oklahoma pays the minimum wage ($7.25 per hour).

    However, Illinois has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country (8.6%) while Oklahoma has one of the lowest (5.4%).


    Does a higher minimum wage equate to higher employment? Obviously not in Illinois.
  2. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    Or the sane folks left.
    2 people like this.
  3. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Yes. The sane folks left Illinois long ago. Thank you for adding that.
  4. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    So you have some kind of proof that the dollar differences accounts for the difference in the unemployment rate? Maybe you could present that. Okay...

    Washington State has the highest minimum wage 9.32/hr in the country. Their unemployment rate = 7.0
    Georgia has the lowest minimum wage 5.15/hr in the country. Their unemployment rate = 8.1

    Do you even think before you start threads like this? Obviously not!
  5. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    You might try getting current data. You don't reference your data, but I guarantee it is several months out of date.

    BTW, Rhode Island's minimum wage is $8.00 and their unemployment is 9.3%.
  6. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    As if this stupid thread needed another stupid comment...Rimmer chimes in.
  7. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    Out of facts and off to the insults AGAIN. That was sure a short lived discussion.
  8. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    Yes, yes I am responding in the only logical way a rational human being can respond to a total idiot. I thought that you'd catch on to that eventually but then again, you are a total idiot.

    In the entire range of idiots, you are definitely above the 100 percentile.
  9. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    That is what happens when you have no facts - Liberals attack the messenger.
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  10. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    No not really... This Liberal is telling the idiot messenger that he is indeed an idiot. As proof of just how dumb the messenger is, he responds by generalizing me calling him out for making stupid comments to all "Liberals" when the only Liberal I see "attacking" him is me.
    You're not a messenger, your a partisan fool. Learn the difference. You're not delivering a message, your spewing your opinion. Do you even realize this every single time you say this same stupid line?
  11. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    So you are saying the Obama administration is lying? Which is it? Rhode Islands unemployment or was not ion December) 9.3%? BTW, they also listed Washington's as 6.7% and Georgia's as 7.4%.
  12. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    You might want to consider the size of the population in each state
    llinois 12,882,135
    Oklahoma 3,850,568

    US census bureau figures up to 2012
  13. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    ....... and population has exactly what to do with unemployment?

    New York's population (19.57 million in 2012) is much higher than Illinois' (12.88 million in 2012), but their unemployment rate (7.7%) is lower than Illinois.

    California's population (38.04 million in 2012) is three times higher than Illinois', but their unemployment rate (8.1%) is lower than Illinois.

    Additionally, Texas and Florida both have higher populations than Illinois, but their unemployment rates are lower (Texas - 5.7%, Florida - 6.1%).

    Also, Illinois' population rate increased during the 2000s at a rate of 3.3% while the remainder of the nation increased at an average rate of 9.7%.

    You're not saying that a larger population equates to a larger unemployment rate, are you? I'm failing to see any correlation you're making between population and unemployment. Please explain.
  14. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    That's why Illinois lost a Congressional Seat after the 2010 Census.
  15. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    Try owning up to what you post. Easiest way is to only post things you can back up, or at least believe in. Then you will have no lame excuse. If you can't or don't want to defend it, putting it out is Trolling. If you post someone else's message, YOU OWN it. Your messenger dodge is invalid. But if you wish to keep proving your worth, keep throwing it out. Everyone will understand.
  16. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    And so far your posts consist of:
    Very impressive, but devoid of facts.
    2 people like this.
  17. JoeNation
    No Mood

    JoeNation The ReichWing Abuser

    If you're posting it, you are not the messenger. The same stupid ignorant use of that cliche says so much about you.
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    Didn't say I was in this case.
    2 people like this.
  19. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    Put it this way if you had the same number of unemployed in both states the % would reflect a different story, that is why you need to take into account the population when looking at %
  20. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    And 'per capita' is a sadistic?

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