Along with the economies of other democratic nations, the US economy is under attack. There is never a time to be lining the halls of the White House with neophyte economists, but no time could be worse than right now. Harris is unqualified, her oh, so-carefully-chosen running mate Walz is unqualified, and her preferences for economic advisors likely would be as well. We don't need naive, subservient, acquiescent "leaders" who would allow the nails to be driven into our coffin . . . we need streetwise, hard bargainers with backbone, who will advocate for the American Way. While I've repeated many times that I don't personally care for the man, given the crummy alternative shoed-in by the DNC, we need Donald Trump . . . desperately. I just hope those who consider Harris their favored candidate will re-examine their personal prejudices and the historical-performance of the candidates, separate their wants from their needs, segregate emotion from analysis, and choose to elect Trump despite their affinity for Harris.
You want the grifter? He was posting stuff like this as recently as yesterday. This does not inspire confidence... If you're indeed so worried about the world economy, Trump has assured us he knows the "future of finance"and you can be a part of it! If you actually believe in him, put your money where your mouth is and buy some tokens
Good luck convincing the liberal lemmings of that. Kamunala is their hope for “joy” or whatever else it is that panders to their warm and fuzzies.
That's a stupid, narrowly focused response! Find me any post I've put up where I've indicated I believe in everything Trump does. Are all of his ideas great ones? No. Do I agree with everything he believes? No . . . Emphatically, no. But, I believe more in Trump than Harris . . . a lot more. She's as stupid as AOC is. As for my money, it is where my mouth is. This economy sucks, and it's continuing in the wrong direction. I am in purely defensive investments at this point . . . not a dollar in equities, not a dollar in bonds. And for the record, I don't see your arse parked stateside, feeling the pain with the rest of us, PatriNot!
But this is strictly financial, which based on this thread, you seem to think he's great at. How can you afford not to "Be DeFiant" in this economy? Economy sucks everywhere, not just the U.S. I was briefly in the U.S. a week ago though. I was braced for the prices I kept hearing about but then I went shopping and it was fine. Nothing was nearly as bad as I expected. Gas was under $4/gallon too. Most of my childhood (Bush era to be fair) I remember much worse prices, and that's without accounting for inflation.
I'm already DeFiant . . . holding as little in USD or any other centrally-controlled currency as I comfortably can. Still, that has little to do with the subject of the thread. You clearly do not understand what's going on with BRICS, and how it threatens us. Oh? So, then you don't agree with Biden & Harris . . . about damned time! Unless you were considering CCP-subsidized products or knockoffs when shopping, your memory sucks. Prices of food, internet service, live entertainment, shipping, electricity, an automobile or housing are much higher than Bush Era prices. BTW, thanks for adding more carbon with your flights stateside and back . . . Hypocrit! The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.
Now wait a minute, TC. Let's give @GeneWright the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he swam from South Korea to the U.S. or took a hang glider. But, let's get it straight from the horse's mouth. Just exactly how did you transport yourself from South Korea to the U.S., @GeneWright ?
Remember much from the Bush years? Were you even out of diapers at the time and personally purchasing food, fuel, and other necessary items? You think “gas under 4 dollars “ is a good thing for the economy? What was the price of diesel?
I was actually talking about food and grocery when i said shopping. Not much of a knick knack shopper myself. Per your website, it actually looks like this administration got food inflation under control too in the past 2 years. It looks like they inherited an economy going out of control (I won't even blame Trump for that, it's covid) and then got it back under control by 2023. Did congress make any efforts to curb inflation at the end of 2022 by chance?
Really? Do you understand that inflation is the rate of increase? That means the total cost increase under the Biden (most likely Harris) administration is 21.7%? The rate of increase has lowered but the consumer price hasn’t decreased. How can you seriously say that prices were worse under Bush? The Covid stupidity and governmental incompetence of this administration is the reason that the inflation reached 10.4 percent. Of course, it’s just transitory right?
Don't forget the increase in wages for those without skills before the Summer of Love . . . that's what really ignited the inflationary spiral. COVID threw fuel on the fire . . .
Remember Kamala was working at Mickey D’s struggling to raise a family while Timmy was carrying weapons of war in Tiananmen Square. Shut up and pay their dang college tuition loans and while you’re at it cough up some more dough for illegal immigrants gender affirming care. Nothing better for inflation than printing money for….well
It literally was transient, inflation is much closer to normal now. You should expect some reasonable level of inflation. Deflation is typically indicative of a recession or depression. For Bush I was specifically referring to gas prices, nothing else.
Not long ago my kids were all excited about some YouTube poster going to fight Mike Tyson. The thing was played up. I even saw a piece or two mentioned on the news about it. The general unspoken consensus was "Why does this kid want to be brutally beaten?" And everyone couldn't wait to tune in to see this boy pummeled by the toughest man on the planet. As I heard, fortunately for the YouTube boy the deal was finally squashed in the end. I don't care if you want to disparage Trump bibles, Trump coins, Trump cards or whatever else. In the end it doesn't really matter. Hell, I sell toilet fixtures for a living. It doesn't matter because it has nothing to say about the person that I am. Donald Trump has built skylines and yes, even an empire. Success was something we used to laud in our society and frankly I do not understand why those who worked to achieve success are now held with disdain. Think of the message that sends to your kids. But the one inherent thing that Trump firmly has a grasp of is economics. Harris has lived off the government dole her entire life and has never endorsed the front of a paycheck. Trump understands that the cost of quite literally everything begins with the cost of energy. Harris has waged a lifelong war on energy. So disparage the man all you like over the trinkets he markets to support his candidacy. Like the YouTube fighter that I mentioned above, this isn't even remotely a fair fight when economics is the baseline... Do you really even believe that Harris even cares what you may pay for bread, mortgage or gas?