4 years ago. The PPP poll was a week ago. I think the point was that his popularity has plummeted. Too many big words?
Let's not forget that Obama's popularity has plummeted to its lowest point.... ever. That's the topic of this thread, after all.
McCain won by 24 points and your entire post has absolutely with Obama's poll. So just where was I in error?
I don't believe that you can comprehend your own error. Read the article I posted several times and maybe, just maybe, you'll figure it out.
Obama's approval rating has sunk to its lowest during his presidency. His approval rating is now, on average, lower than Richard Nixon and the president the liberals love to hate, George W. Bush. Every poll has his Disapproval rating higher than his Approval rating. His lies are catching up to him... View attachment 2340 View attachment 2339 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_approval_rating
I comprehend what you are doing very well. But mostly I comprehend that Obama's approval is going down the drain.
It's funny to witness how many dims are announcing they either aren't seeking re-election or aren't courting BO's endorsement...all because of the fallout from Obamacare!
... and everything else he's Eff'd up! No one wants to be associated with this guy. The way it's looking, Obama's numbers are going to spell doom for DUMBOcrats in November.
Can you cite some examples of specific individuals who "aren't seeking re-election "... "all because of the fallout from Obamacare!"?
View attachment 2381 http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2014/03/21/democrats-navigate-around-obamas-unpopularity/
AP FileObama Rocked in New AP Poll By: Mario Trujillo (The Hill) March 26, 2014 Nearly six in 10 people disapprove of President Obama's job performance in a new poll by the Associated Press, the highest rating recorded by the newswire. According to the AP-GFK survey released Wednesday, 59 percent disapprove of Obama's job performance while 41 percent approve. A similar poll released by the news outlet in January found 45 percent approved of him while 53 percent disapproved. Other recent polling has found Obama's disapproval rating slightly lower, remaining in the low 50s. A CBS News poll Tuesday showed 50 percent disapproval, while Gallup has his disapproval at 52 percent. In the AP poll, only 40 percent approve of Obama's handling of international relations, a new low. The newswire notes that Obama's handling of foreign policy is usually neutral. Fifty-seven percent dislike his handling of the situation in Ukraine, where the Crimean region of the country voted this month to gain independence and join Russia. The Obama administration has imposed sanctions on a number of Russian and Ukrainian officials who it found violated the sovereignty of Ukraine. Obama has also signed an executive order authorizing sanctions on some sectors of the Russian economy. Fifty-four percent said they dislike Obama's interaction with Russia. http://nation.foxnews.com/2014/03/26/obama-rocked-new-ap-poll
Oh my, I hope this doesn't get in the way of his third term. If it wasn't for term limits he would be the next president again - and even the brainless trust fools know this. Is there a law that says he can't be VP? , not that there is room for another, but that might make it swell a bit, you know, the way duck call sounds do
LOL.. not gonna happen. However, it might get in the way of many Democrats seeking first-terms, second-terms, etc. come November. Pull one out of your ?