Russia no better then Hamas

Discussion in 'World Events' started by John Kamps, May 26, 2024.

  1. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Russia is a "terrorist state" / they just hit a crowded shopping centre in Kharkiv. I think its high time for West to give them most advanced long range weapons to hit Russian targets/ kill as many of them as possible. If Ronald Reagan had been President in 2022/ he would have done that back then. Its takes real leaders to react to tyrants.
    charley likes this.
  2. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Unfortunately, joe briben was president in 2022 and the world is a much more dangerous place because of it.
    John Kamps likes this.
  3. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    What did the great plumpkin do about Crimea?
  4. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Finally Biden gave the OK for Ukraine to hit military assets within Russian border/ about time. The best thing would be for NATO to intercept Russian missiles over Ukraine/ so that Ukraine could position their Patriots at Eastern border to shoot down those pesky enemy fighter bombers before they could drop their glide bombs. Meantime Putin's drunken sidekick Mededev spouts his big mouth about useing tactical nukes. Like Clint Eastwood would say, Go ahead punk make my day!
    charley likes this.
  5. Profiler

    Profiler Well-Known Member

    It was your Great Saviors that drew a red line. They also had a really nice red reset button. How did that work out?
    CoinOKC likes this.
  6. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Obama was in power when Ukrainians overthrew the Moscow backed dictator. Putin then send his troops into Donbas/ seized Crimea/ Not a peep from Obama/ NATO. Thugs like Putin/ Xi react too weakness from opponents. Had Reagan been President/ Putin would have been a good boy. Olaf Scholz is a disgrace too Germany/ still scared too send Taurus missiles to Ukraine. While Estonians are willing to send soldiers. But the Baltics remember what happened in 1939 when Stalin walked in \ tens of thousands were butchered by Russians/ NKVD.
    charley likes this.

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