Turkish/ Free Syrian forces have taken Aleppo/ now Hama. Russian fled scene leaving military equipment to rebel forcesMeanwhile Assad Regime is in shambles. US A-10s are hitting Iranian bases in Eastern Syria. By Christmas the brutal Assad Regime will be routed along with their Russian allies. Russian envoy in UN is crying that Ukrainian advisers are helping anti Assad forces with drone technology. Lavrov in an interview with Carlson spouted the usual Russian bogus garbage that, "We (the poor Russians) are getting fed up with US ATACMS killing our soldiers inside the Motherland" Had it been me doing the interview, I would have replied, "Yeah, really, your guy (Putin) invades Ukraine, bombs hospitals/ nursery schools/ retirement homes/ bomb shelters/ apt bldgs/ commit atrocities left/ right/ center and you have the gall to say what you just said. Then when he gets ticked off/ threatens a nuclear holocaust? Maybe your leader should wear his "Big boy pants, instead of diapers
Syria free from "butcher" Assad/ Regime crumbles. Russians are fleeing as usual "tails between their legs" Iranian Mullahs now worried same will happen there. Meanwhile back in the "Evil Empire" Putin now has to worry about highly advanced Ukrainian drones that can reach 700kph and strike targets 800kms away with high payloads. To the South there is now a full scale uprising vs Putins "Dream Party" FSB thugs where seen at mass protests. Trump and Netanyahu now will plan to eliminate Putin ally Iran. Things are looking up in the World.
Hopefully the "rebels" will eliminate Russian forces trapped in Syria with no mercy. Russians commited hundreds of war crimes in their Syrian adventure.
More good news. Ukraime developing their own long range missiles/ now will not need permission from anyone! Economy in Mother Russia is tanking/ shades of 1989 when Reagan bankrupted the USSR. In 2025 with a madman in charge/ bent on recreating the second Soviet Empire. Seems he is blind to the fact inflation is at 22%/ Ruble is tanking $1.09US/ banks are failing/ infrastructure is in shambles/ oil sales/ prices way down. Putin will not be able to sustain his war machine thru materiel/ manpower losses. Trump now has opportunity to be a second Reagan and pit the final nail in Russian coffin. 1/ build Qatar/ Saudi Arabia/ Turkey pipeline to supply Europe 2/ drill baby drill make US top producer of oil/ gas Thus killing 90% of Putins revenues 3/ supply Ukraine with ultra long range missiles to hit Russian Baltic/ Pacific fleet All airfields/ Oil refineries/ military targets Once Russia disintegrates/ Then he can get a second ball cap, "Make the World safe again"