Kursk Offensive not 1943 but 2024!

Discussion in 'World Events' started by John Kamps, Aug 9, 2024.

  1. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    Ukrainian army launched an invasion of Kursk Oblast/ took more territory in three days then Russian Army in last 12 months. So far they have taken 350 sq. kilometers from Putin. Seems their objective is to take the nuclear power plant/ main gas pipeline. They destroyed a Russian convoy sent in to stop offensive/ also blasted the military air complex in Liptest. Meanwhile in Kremlin Putin and his cronies are in shock mode........
    charley likes this.
  2. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I have been engaged in this latest offensive push, because of the similarity to the Argonne Front tactics. The advance is astounding, sans adequate tank support. Imagine if this was a T50 Yalu Crossing Offensive...this would be the result.

    John Kamps likes this.
  3. John Kamps

    John Kamps Well-Known Member

    I heard that they (Ukraine) sent in 5K elite troop formations to expand even more their territorial gains. Also sent special units into deeper enemy terrain to create havoc and choas. This offensive makes so much sense/ compared to last year where they ran into well prepared Russian defense lines/ millions of mines/ dragons teeth etc. Here they can just walk in and roll forward like German wehrmacht in 41-43. Putin / unlike Stalin has no US/ UK aid/ money. And he cannot force Russians into the meat grinder. This will not end well for Putin and his Kremlin mafia. Of course this invasion would never had taken place had Obama acted in 2014 when Putin seized Crimea/ Russians hot down airliner. Also Biden should have given the Ukrainians advanced long range weapons in Feb. 2022.
    charley likes this.
  4. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    Been a long time coming.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
    John Kamps likes this.
  5. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    This situation has graduated from the "interesting" category and graduated to the "Ohshitthisisserious" category.
    Absent POTUS, absent VPOTUS.....

    We better damn well think about this in the next 70 days, or start practicing hiding under the desk or in the bathtub with the mattress pulled over you.
    John Kamps likes this.
  6. freshmeat

    freshmeat Can't touch this

    Summary: da Ukes, backed by US/NATO invaded a Nuke weapons country. Said country is afraid and befuddled. Seems putin is in no position to set the terms for the response to his stupidity. His eyes are wide open now and options are few and none good for him. He desperately longs for the return of his lap dog knucklehead, whom he has information over, to back the world down. Sowwy. Made your bed now sleep in it. He wont be around for long no matter how he plays it. Failure is his only option. Are you men or mice?
  7. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    Anyone else think maybe one of the primary purposes of the inkurskion's is insurance on the outcome of the US election?
    charley likes this.
  8. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I could buy that.
  9. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    With Ukraine holding territory in Russia Proper negotiating peace or ceasefire by a Trump administration becomes a lot more complicated.
    charley likes this.
  10. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    From a military perspective, History of recorded conflicts since 1163 does not support the premise.
  11. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    But Trump's campaign platform is based on the perspective of a quick political negotiated end to the conflict.
    charley likes this.
  12. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Which transfers to a helpful position of strength as any conflict negotiation does from....again... a military perspective. The Domino Theory is not in play in this quasi Soviet method. It is closer to the Montgomery Theory.
  13. StankyBoy

    StankyBoy Well-Known Member

    Nothing like going on the offensive in a so-called defensive war!

    I am ready for that dumb war to end. Too many people dying, and for what? All over two Russian puppet/aligned provinces?
    charley likes this.
  14. justafarmer

    justafarmer Well-Known Member

    Zelensky certainly stepped into it this week. Suppose a Quid Pro Quo Impeachment proceeding is placed on the Congressional Agenda if Harris wins in November?
  15. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Well, she's the current VP, so impeachment proceedings against her could already begin (and SHOULD begin).

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