Is This Report Accurate??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mopar Dude, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Two days ago Putin issued a new decree. Any use of missiles, drones or aircraft used on their soil that is provided by a foreign power (us) is an act of war and that a nuclear response may be used….. That is undeniable. I saw the Russian foreign minister make the proclamation…….. So the very next day Biden ordains the use of tactical US provided missiles to be launched 75 miles into Russia? Am I seeing this correctly? The man draws a line in the sand and our response is to cross it the very next day risking a nuclear response? Before I go off the deep end here, I want to know if I am looking at this correctly.
    Swim4Life likes this.
  2. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    As far as I can tell, what you've referenced is true. Whether this is mere sabre-rattling, or a real Russian threat remains to be seen.

    That western nations continue to permit retaliatory strikes inside Russia with weapons they supply seems inevitable, however, it may be wise to limit the penetration of those attacks across the Russian border to the same distance that Russia has penetrated the Ukraine border.

    While not an entirely practical proposition, it is a limitation, and one to which the Russian People could intuitively relate, and which might detract further from what little public support Putin still enjoys.
    What U ignore likes this.
  3. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Within limits the report is correct and the previous POTUS ban of any U.S. supplied weapons inside the Soviet Union by Ukraine has been lifted. International partners that have been furnishing weapons to Ukraine have agreed to lift the Ban. NATO countries are bound by the POTUS actions (but ONLY NATO member countries).

    So, the bottom line: Putin is playing the Blink First game. It is important to realize Putin wants a way out of this fiasco also. It is costing him dearly. Th e use of DPRK Troops is the same cd playing. Trump will give him a way out, and he is cognizant of this singular and most important fact.
    Swim4Life likes this.
  4. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    It seems to me that if we are going to cross the line Putin has drawn in the sand the day after he has drawn that very line, we are playing a game much to dangerous to consider playing…. If I say I will punch you in the nose if you say rude things to my wife and you immediately turn around and say something rude to my wife…. Well, I am then obligated to punch you in the nose or I lose all credibility…. We aren’t talking conventional weapons here. We are talking about the unthinkable based upon his decree.

    Edit…. Is Joe Biden even remotely mentally capable of playing a chess match on this level?
    charley and Swim4Life like this.
  5. What U ignore

    What U ignore Thread KILLER

    Biden has been doing nothing for a very long time. He is a figurehead. The country has been run by the Marxists inside and outside the administration. This is another stupid move to start a war while denying weapons to Israel. The Marxist ilk in Israel is going full speed to get rid of Israel's leader (sp?) before Trump assumes office and fixes the world if he can - AGAIN.
    charley likes this.
  6. Swim4Life

    Swim4Life Well-Known Member

    There are some who say we're already fighting WWIII. With the US and the NATO alliance using Ukraine as their puppet, and as @charley already stated, Russia engaging support from the fat guy north of the 38th parallel DMZ.

    Poking the bear and allowing Ukraine to launch US supplied missiles into Russia was nothing more than Obummer crying in disgust at losing control of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, both houses, and the mandate of the American people to fix the broken machine he's deeply entrenched in. Thus making POTUS Trump's job more complicated. I see it as another opportunity for DJT to look good and shove it up their collective arses when he succeeds again.
    CoinOKC, charley and Mopar Dude like this.
  7. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P


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