I Place The Blame Squarely On Gavin Newsom And Karen Bass

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CoinOKC, Jan 9, 2025.

  1. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    These two, specifically, are to blame for the incompetence (lack of funding, climate change bullshit, etc.) that led to the emergency responders being unable to adequately fight the wildfires in California and to the deaths that have occurred.

    Differing opinions?
    Profiler likes this.
  2. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Gov. Newsom cut fire budget by $100M months before lethal California fires

    California fire prevention took a hit the year before the fires, but the Newsom administration claims it boosted overall funding since assuming office in 2019

    January 10, 2025

    A review of last year's California state budget shows California Gov. Gavin Newsom cut funding for wildfire and forest resilience by more than $100 million.

    The budget, signed in June and covering the 2024-25 fiscal year, eliminated $101 million from seven "wildfire and forest resilience" programs, according to a report from Newsweek.

    The California fires, responsible for destroying more than 10,000 buildings in the Los Angeles area, are still not contained.

  3. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Heads should roll for this:

    LA County cut fire budget while spending heavily on DEI, woke items: 'Midnight Stroll Transgender Cafe'

    'We pay the highest taxes in California. Our fire hydrants were empty... But thank god drug addicts are getting their drug kits'

    January 9, 2025

    While Los Angeles officials were stripping millions in funding from their fire department ahead of one of the most destructive wildfires in state history, hundreds of thousands of dollars were allocated to fund programs such as a "Gay Men’s Chorus" and housing for the transgender homeless.

    Deadly fires erupted across Southern California this week, which were amplified by fierce winds that resulted in about 10,000 homes and businesses being destroyed. After fire hydrants weren't producing water and homes burned to the ground, residents began calling out Democratic-led leadership in the state, who cut the Los Angeles Fire Department's (LAFD) funding by $17.6 million just months prior.

    But even as the department funding was being pulled back, a Fox News Digital review of the L.A. County budget uncovered thousands of taxpayer dollars that were allocated to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and programs giving syringes to the homeless.

    For example, the budget allocated $14,010 to the "Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles" this year, a group that seeks to "create musical experiences that strengthen our role as a leader among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and performing arts organizations."


    Another $190,000 was allocated to the Homeless and HIV Program, which includes a "syringe exchange" program that gives sterile syringes to homeless drug addicts.

    An additional $100,000 of county funds was put aside to pay for Juneteenth celebrations, while $13,000 was allocated to "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month Programs."

    The Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department was also granted $100,000 for a "Midnight Stroll Transgender Cafe" to fund housing for homeless transgender individuals in Hollywood.

    The county also granted $13,000 to "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month Programs" and $4.5 million to the infrastructure of electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Appropriations for the General City Purposes saw $250,000 set aside for "equity and inclusion."

    According to the report, homelessness funding was larger than the LAFD budget for the second year in a row.

    Amid the Los Angeles-area fires, celebrities, such as actress Sara Foster, called out state officials for their legislative focus over the years.

    "We pay the highest taxes in California. Our fire hydrants were empty. Our vegetation was overgrown, brush not cleared. Our reservoirs were emptied by our governor because tribal leaders wanted to save fish. Our fire department budget was cut by our mayor. But thank god drug addicts are getting their drug kits," Foster wrote in a post on X. "@MayorOfLA @GavinNewsom RESIGN. Your far left policies have ruined our state. And also our party."

    Following the funding cut, L.A. County Fire Chief Anthony Marrone on Wednesday said that "there are not enough firefighters in L.A. County to address four separate fires of this magnitude."

  4. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

  5. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    I would whole heartedly agree that California has been sorely lacking any real leadership. Or any leadership of any kind for that matter….. I am just not a fan of finger pointing or leveling blame in the height of a crisis. I find it counterproductive to the matter at hand which is getting people the immediate assistance that they need. There will be gracious plenty time post crisis to dissect all the foolishness that has taken place and brought these poor folks to this catastrophic point once the humanity of the situation is addressed……. As something of a humorous aside, I am out of town at a hotel this weekend and my only choice for news is CNN and they have laid the blame on global warming repeatedly. If this weren’t so tragic, I would have laughed.
    GeneWright likes this.
  6. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    I hear you, MD, but the finger-pointing began quite some time ago by the citizens of California who are so horribly impacted by the lack of leadership. Extremely poor decisions were made prior to these fires and the finger-pointing began long before these fires started. The people were already pointing fingers when they saw their leadership giving money to things like the "Transgender Midnight Stroll Cafe" and taking money away from basic necessities like fire protection.

    We are simply seeing the outcome of horrible, liberal leadership. People in California are brutally waking up to that fact and are, rightfully so, placing blame squarely at the feet of those responsible.
    SmalltownMN and Mopar Dude like this.
  7. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

  8. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    You are right. It was easy leveling blame at our nation’s ineffective and downright nonexistent leadership…. Until Helene came to visit. I was lucky with only two trees down on my shed and fence. Next door neighbor had a tree in her garage and another in her kitchen…. But that was nothing as compared to what our nearby neighbors suffered in the mountains. While we listened to sniveling excuses of leaders pout and moan about having no money, our neighbors were digging out of the mud. When the fed offered $400.00 a family to people that had no infrastructure and were wet, cold and hungry we the people acted and organized pickup truckloads of groceries, clothes and bedding. I still to this day know of families in the mountains that have not had any interaction with the Fed.

    At this moment I am listening to Biden mumble his way through a foreign policy speech and I can only think of one thing…. Real leaders lead from the front and leave the bloviating to others that history will soon forget. And I have heard enough bloviating the last four years to last me a lifetime. Now get out of the way so we can get some real leadership in place and get these people the help that they need.
    CoinOKC likes this.
  9. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Biden pledges $770.00 to Californians who lost everything and sixty billion to Ukraine..... Meanwhile Newsom pledges fifty million to "trump-proof" California...... And the left wonders why they lost resoundingly in November... Sheesh. Keep digging that hole.
  10. GeneWright

    GeneWright Well-Known Member

  11. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Fifty million dollars to “Trump-proof” California.

    Holy Mother of God… these people are just insane. You are right as usual, MD… this is an example of why the liberals were obliterated in the 2024 elections. Will Newsom ever learn? That’s the fifty million dollar question.
    Mopar Dude likes this.
  12. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    You know, it's up the the voters in California to kick Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom out on their asses. But, after the apocalyptic fire that engulfed Los Angeles, the voters would be stupid not to do so. If California keeps electing Democrats like these two, well, they get what they deserve. Maybe after all of this, the people of California will wake up. If they don't, I truly feel sorry for them.

    Bill Maher trashes Karen Bass, Cali officials for response to fires: 'Fiddling in Ghana while the city burned’

    Maher also trashed city officials for appearing to prioritize DEI initiatives over adequate disaster preparedness

    January 18, 2025

    HBO host Bill Maher trashed the local government for how officials are handling the wildfires that have ravaged Los Angeles in the closing monologue of his show on Friday.

    The "Real Time" host slammed local officials for not being prepared and prioritizing DEI initiatives over competent fire response. He also savaged the city’s Democratic mayor, Karen Bass, for being out of the country when the blazes began in LA County.

    "L.A.’s mayor, Karen Bass, the Nero of American politics, was fiddling in Ghana while the city burned," Maher said.

    Maher went after the government for not having the resources to fight the fires, sharing an article from Axios about how complicated it was to get water out of fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades, a neighborhood in L.A. particularly ravaged by the inferno.

    The host saw this as a weak excuse, stating, "I’m sure it is. I’m sure it’s very complicated. That’s why I pay 13 percent of my income in the state every year to people who I assume were working on things like this."

    Maher ripped Bass’ excuse for being unprepared. He quoted her saying the fires were so bad because of "eight months of negligible rain and winds that have not been seen in L.A. in at least 14 years."

    The host ridiculed the line, saying, "Yeah, that’s not that long a time. Maybe look in the history books to see how our ancestors handled it back in 2011."

    He also hammered Bass for cuts to the Los Angeles Fire Department. For the 2024-2025 fiscal year, Bass cut $17 million from the LAFD’s budget, having originally wanted to cut $23 million.

    As Maher noted, Bass insisted that the cuts didn’t affect the city’s preparedness. In response, he brought up LAFD Chief Kristin Crowley’s "slightly different take."

    "She said, ‘We are screaming to be properly funded,’" the host said, adding, "And yes, the budget was cut, and it did impact our ability to provide service."


    He then mocked the city for appearing to prioritize DEI initiatives among its first response units. "We just got our a—kicked by fire, something neanderthals fought to a tie. The good news is our fire chief is a lesbian," he said, mentioning Crowley again.

    Maher clarified he sees nothing wrong with there being a lesbian chief but suggested that she was chosen because of her sexual identity. "Or maybe they really wanted a lesbian in that job and she’s just the best lesbian for the job, and with essential services, that’s not good enough."

    To back up his hunch, Maher read from Crowley’s LAFD bio, which stated, "Chief Crowley leads a diverse department… Creating, supporting, and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity while striving to meet and exceed the expectations of the communities…"

    The host savaged the bio, stating, "Well, you didn’t exceed my expectations, which was that the whole city wouldn’t burn down. But it’s telling that diversity was mentioned twice before we get to ‘while’ – ‘while striving’ to meet ‘expectations.’"

    Maher savaged his home state as a place that "spends money and gets nothing, which is why you may have noticed when the fires broke out, no one escaped by high-speed rail."

    "We have the highest marginal tax rate in America, higher than almost all other states … What is included for that? Breadsticks? Because it clearly doesn't cover fire," he said. "That's government's job. Protect us from crime, violence, theft, fire. I'm not saying Alabama would have done better with fires by fighting them with prayer in school, but look me in the eye and tell me anyone could have done worse."

  13. Mopar Dude

    Mopar Dude Well-Known Member

    Sadly, I suspect they will. I been a Carolina Panthers fan since their inception. You would think that after the last 6-8 brutally ugly seasons that I would learn my lesson and find a winner to root for... But you can bet that next September I'll dig out all my Panthers flags & jerseys for another season of disappointment..... I rather suspect that folks on the left coast are so ingrained to voting democrat that they will keep on voting democrat.
    SmalltownMN and CoinOKC like this.
  14. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    I suspect you may be right, MD. If so, California has my sympathies.
    Mopar Dude likes this.

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