Now that Hunter has been awarded a pardon does this erode his 5th Amendment protections of self incrimination on testimony given in future inquiries into subjects falling within the scope covered by the pardon?
Maybe, but it's a waste of time tbh. He'll just take a page out of Trump's book and be unable to recall anything that happened during that time.
Get ready, Clown. The response will be a POTUS Pardon of every present and/or future U.S. Citizen around/near/in/out/on top of/in the vicinity of the Capitol and/or any Building/Structure/Park/Street/Alley/Bridge (over or under)/Waterway of any type .... within the legal Boundaries of the District of Columbia on 6 January 2021, and /or any future remembrances of any nature of the 6 January 2021 gathering of U.S. Citizens. Would you like me to send a NightNight Sippy Cup to you? It will help you accept your Marxist-Socialist Failure to quash this Federal Republic. FTR, POTUS Biden should have pardoned his Son. The entire Judicial System has been a center for non-separation of Power Checks And Balances via The Executive Judicial and Legislative Branch, ever since a certain Attorney General appointed by POTUS Obama.
....annnndddd, right on time. Who comes out in support of the Pardon? Yes, you are correct: Holder. Of course, because he does not have any deep dark closets that need cleaned out.
Wow. I didn’t know until just now that this pardon encompasses everything Hunter did for the previous ten years. Now I have to know if the intent is to keep Joes dirty laundry from making its way to the newspapers. Bet there aren’t any documents being shredded in Delaware.