
Discussion in 'World Events' started by charley, Oct 11, 2024.

  1. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    .... the top rated STEM High School in the country in Fairfax County VA. had an ongoing "Contract" which was not a Contract, defended with a hesaidshesaid BlahBlah response from the phony donation organization set up to fund the school because Fairfax County is so poor, you know, and can't afford the program without donations (however, FOIA documents received by a parent activity organization after paying $37,000.00 reveals otherwise) sold rather sensitive information to the CCP via "representatives" on the Donation Board...which included the Principal of the school as the President of the scam.....from 2017 to 2021, and the Governor of VA. is very concerned by this revelation but can not get any cooperation from the Donation Organization other than a reply that it would be discrimination to exclude the the donations from China TOTALLING AS OF LAST REPORT $3.7 Million of the total sum of $7 Million.

    Why? Because Red China wants to clone the school model in Red China and has a website touting their Thomas Schools program.

    Lemmee see, the brightest future scientists in the school being trained and educated to assist the U.S. in future STEM needs, inclusive of all pursuits in science, Technology, Business, etc. and without a doubt many are children of same, does this with no U.S. Security restraints (not to mention the school proximity to the CIA Headquarters, The Pentagon and the younameit U.S. sensitive government entities, and you can be assured there is no spying or influence peddling happening by the CCP, so don't be concerned, and....

    WHAT? How do we now learn about this?

    Thomas Jefferson H.S. Lookitup.
    Jesus, and we wonder why things are the way they are.

    Edit: removed an unnecessary '"ing" , because I was typing to fast because I was pizzzed.
    Profiler likes this.
  2. toughcoins

    toughcoins Rarely is the liberal viewpoint tainted by realism

    Gee, Charley, I view sensitive information in a school system as being more about the personal information concerning the students. I'd be more concerned about the possibility that the CCP was trying to identify the children of Pentagon workers, NSA, CIA, government contractors, etc, who might be prime targets for subversive activities.

    China's unlikely to find an easier way to penetrate the lives of those sworn to secrecy than through their children.
  3. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    That was part of the information "shared". INCLUSIVE of:

    The Curriculum by breakdown and student count.
    The ENTIRE Plans and layout of the Structure inclusive of various subject class locations.
    A BOOK of Operation.
    A list of all Donors.

    Did I mention (no, I didn't) that this Donation Organization "Board" includes as a principal "member" a known CCP member (supposedly not a member now-yukyuk)?

    I must disagree with you concerning the easier way. The student body (and by extension their parents) are identifiable and even smart youngsters are easily persuadable. There are files and files of just such encounters. The Congressional Record is your friend.

    I would refer you to the investigation now public.

    Can you possibly re-assess your thoughts, knowing this added information? I only left it out of my OP, and was interested in relaying the event and not overwhelm the Reader.
  4. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Note the dates, and the non-partisan aspect. It occurred while POTUS Trump and POTUS Biden were in office.

    Flinging Politics arrows at this issue is not going to work for anybody.

    How may parent Lawsuits would you guess will be filed? My guess: enough that it will be consolidate to a Class Action Filing, and when that happens my guess is the majority of the majority of parents will join in.
  5. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    This is a VERY compartmentalized student body , being groomed for the DARPA/DOD/DOJ/FBI/MEGA GIANT Tech companies-Microsoft, etc., CAL-TECH, MIT, etc.

    It is a feeder school and has been known as such for a number of years.

    These students are not the typical stand-out smart kids in the Gym Class. Just getting accepted into the school is VERY difficult and enough of a Resume' for the best College Applications/Acceptance in the U.S. There are reports on top of Reports over the years, concerning the students and the where are they now stories.

    Yes, there is a serious security concern and it is becoming a snowball inside the Beltway.
  6. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    I'm done (for now) The PL members can read the Posts in peace.
    I'm sure we will be hearing the this is all made-up Blarney commentary next.
    My question is.... who is making it up? The original parent group? Why?
  7. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    Well, I was almost done.
    There is the other tiny tidbit that is maybe important and that is this is one of the richest counties in the U.S... in line with Montgomery in MD, and Loudon in VA.

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