Get Rid Of It, Peter

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by CoinOKC, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Change it to "Obama is listening" or "Obama lies to you".... anything but this:

    JLogan likes this.
  2. PTD

    PTD Administrator Moderator

    But, he does love you. Don't you love him too?
  3. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    If you call what he's done to me and the rest of the country "love", then you have a very skewed definition of the term.
  4. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Thank you:

  5. PTD

    PTD Administrator Moderator

    Next I'm going to find a good Hillary Clinton quote for that spot. :p
  6. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    You mean like ""Don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs." or " It takes a village to raise a child."
  7. PTD

    PTD Administrator Moderator

    Yea, but I'm sure we can get more creative than those. ;)
  8. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    "What difference, at this point, does it make?!”
    "I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe"
    "Where is the G-ddamn f**king flag? I want the G-ddamn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise."
    or you can get some more
  9. JLogan

    JLogan Trump is my President!

    How about "Paul Ryan for president 2016"
  10. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    That would be fine with me. Or Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Rand Paul... anyone but another Democrat.
    JLogan likes this.
  11. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    I vote for this one.
  12. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    This would be a good runner-up:

    "We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." - Hillary Clinton
  13. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

  14. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Well-Known Member

    I am still liking Bobby Jindal. What I am not in favor of is isolationism.
    JLogan and CoinOKC like this.
  15. JLogan

    JLogan Trump is my President!

    i don't like Condileeza Rice because she is pro-choice, but anyone else you mentioned would be good. Whoever we elect, i hope we implement Paul Ryan's budget plan though.
  16. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC T R U M P

    Agreed. Consoleeza Rice would be near the bottom simply because of her pro-choice stance. Still better than any Democrat I can name.
    JLogan likes this.

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